Our team’s goal was to provide an efficient way for users to apply for jobs through careers page. Our aim was to streamline this process to give a better user experience.
Role - Product Manager
Team Members - Jorge, Natasha, Francisco
Duration - 3 Weeks
Tools- Google Docs, Google Slides, Figma, Figjam, Miro
Highlight the job applying experience and make that the focus.
The impact
Originally it took users 57 seconds to apply for a job and we reduced that to 26 seconds by adding CTA buttons and a dedicated careers section.
We expect to make the home page easier to navigate while also improving the user experience of the job applying phase.
Security has gone from classified documents to it now being a core issue when we think of our online landscape. Navigating cybersecurity information can be a headache but with the National Security Agency website we aim to make it easier to learn and also get involved with making the world a safer place.
Our goal is to make it easier for users to better find and apply for jobs in the tech area, specifically the cybersecurity area
Affinity Diagram
The careers page seems unorganized Website doesn’t have a clear motive Website doesn’t have pictures of people, makes it less personal Information could be condensed
Priority Matrix
Focus on the career aspects of the NSA website Change the contact us page Make sure RWD is sized appropriately for other screens
Overall, it was a difficult but fun challenge. Tackling on a government website was a good challenge to test our skills as UX Designer, we needed to think out the box for solutions to problems that people might not even know that exist.
What's Next
Next, we would like to tackle extending the landing page for finding more information without having to go to multiple different pages.